Friday, August 22, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up - The one with sick kiddos

This has been our first official week back to school and, in true fashion, there were a lot of bumps on the road!  All three kids are sick, each with a different cold!  It all started with Green Bubbles' eyelid starting to swell.  We got him started on eye drops and I'm happy to say by the end of the week his eye is looking almost normal again.  Little Miss followed shortly by Green Bubbles both ended up with head colds which meant I was awake about every two hours in the night for the past week because of poor Megatron.  He's starting to sleep better now although we still aren't getting the kind of sleep we did before so this Momma is tired!

But life goes on!  And since Green Bubbles wasn't really 'sick' we still did school.  Monday was the start of math for us which means it was the first day we had a full load of subjects!  That means first day of pictures of course. 
 On Monday we also went to park day, a soon to be weekly affair for us. We always go to at least one park day a week and this year it's looking like we will be going back to our Monday friends!  Green Bubbles speech therapy is on Monday and Thursday this year and the timing and location are right by Monday park day.

We signed up for a busy bag exchange with park friends which was a lot of fun to make.  I made 7 toddler busy bags and passed 6 of them out to friends with toddlers.  In exchange I got a lot of new busy bags for Little Miss to help keep her, well, busy!  I'm hoping this will help with the rampaging mess that is my school room whenever I try to sit down with Green Bubbles.

And speaking of rampaging messes..  I tacked the house and started to clean out my closet and clutter in my bedroom this week.  I'm an on again off again Flylady follower and that was the zone to work on this week.  While cleaning I came across Green Bubbles Iron Man mask I made him for his 4th birthday party a year and half ago now.  He was so excited to have it as Iron Man is still ranking up in his top 5 coolest things ever.  Little Miss wanted in on the action too and was wearing the mask around when Green Bubbles wasn't.  At one point she even announced, "I am Iron Man!"

I didn't get very far in our room though because everything broke at once in our bathroom this week as well.  The toilet started leaking and the spout in the bathtub just flew off.  I got to google my way to fixes and, after a few trips to the hardware store, managed to get our bathroom back to normal again as well.

Just to show it wasn't all cleaning, fixing, and school, here's a picture of poor, sick, little Megatron.  He couldn't breath unless he was upright which means he was just tired too.  He kept falling asleep everywhere, even in his jumper!

 On a positive, he's feeling much better now and hit 5 months this week!  I can't believe how big he is getting.  He's starting to sit up really well, loves to jump in his jumper and has already moved onto the 2nd setting since he's so tall.  He rolls everywhere, as soon as you put him down, which makes diaper changes challenging but fun.  He's also tried real food now and loves apples, trying to grab the spoon from me because I'm not fast enough.  He really dislikes rice cereal, and hasn't made up his mind about green beans yet. 

So that's been our week.  How was yours?

Linking up to Weird  Unsocialzed Homeschoolers.

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